Beskućnik vratio novčanik sa 2.000 evra, a onda je usledio obrt kakav nije mogao ni da zamisli: „Zahvalan sam, ali ne želim to“


Beskućnik je pronašao novčanik sa 2.000 evra i odneo ga u policijsku stanicu. Događaji koji su usledili potpuno su ga iznenadili.

Hadjer Al-Ali, 33-godišnji beskućnik iz Amsterdama, nije ni slutio kakav će preokret uslediti nakon što je nedavno pronašao novčanik u kojem je bilo 2.000 evra i odneo ga u policijsku stanicu. Novčanik je našao na glavnoj železničkoj stanici dok je tražio prazne limenke, prenosi Yahoo.

„Pomislio sam, možda je u pitanju neko kome je taj novac stvarno potreban“, rekao je Hadjer.

Story from Jam Press (Homeless Man Returns Cash)
Pictured: A video grab of Hadjer Al-Ali returning the cash to the police.
Homeless man ‘collecting empty cans and bottles’ on train finds ÂŁ1,660 in cash on seat
A homeless man, who found ÂŁ1,700 while on a train, has honourably handed over the sum to the police.
Hadjer Al-Ali was collecting bottles and empty cans on a carriage when he made the discovery.
Despite his personal situation, the 33-year-old didnâ??t think twice about handing the money over.
He received a ÂŁ42 gift card as gratitude from the police for returning the cash.
â??I was collecting bottles and empty cans on the train because I am homeless, which is when I found â?¬1,970 [approx ÂŁ1,660] on the train,â?ť Hadjer told Whatâ??s The Jam.
â??Even though I am homeless, I believe in doing good, so I gave the money to the police.
â??Being homeless doesn’t mean I am a bad person.
â??I had to give it back because it’s not my money and you never know if the person needs it for a sick child or grandmother or something else important.
â??That’s why I returned it.
â??The police gave me a â?¬50 gift card for being a good human being.
â??I’m happy because I did something good for the universe. The universe will pay me back!â?ť
Hadjer, from the Netherlands, feels very happy that he was able to do something good.
After finding the money, he shared a video of the story to TikTok, where it has over 100,000 views so far.
In the clip, he talks about what happened and shows the cash on the table at the police station as he hands it over.
Viewers have taken to the comment section to share their appreciation for Hadjerâ??s actions.
One user wrote: â??Top man.â?ť
Another said: â??My respect brother. the fact that you live on state, eat on the street, says nothing, you are worth more.â?ť [sic]
â??We need these kind of people,â?ť wrote a third user. [sic]
Someone else wrote: â??Respect. Who does good, meets good.â?ť [sic]
EDITORâ??S NOTE: Video Us,Image: 884266344, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Jam Press / Jam Press / Profimedia

Međutim u novčaniku nije bilo nikakvih ličnih dokumenata pa policija nije mogla da pronađe vlasnika. Bez obzira na to, hteli su da nagrade poštenog nalazača.

„Uvek verujem da iz dobrog dela proizlazi neko drugo dobro“
Policija mu je poklonila bon od 50 evra i priznanje u obliku skulpture srebrnog palca (nagrada koju policija dodeljuje zaslužnim građanima Amsterdama), a potom je pokrenuta i crowdfunding kampanja kojom je za Hadjera u jednom danu prikupljeno više od 34.000 evra.

Story from Jam Press (Homeless Man Returns Cash)
Pictured: Hadjer Al-Ali received a ÂŁ42 gift card as gratitude from the police for returning the cash.
Homeless man ‘collecting empty cans and bottles’ on train finds ÂŁ1,660 in cash on seat
A homeless man, who found ÂŁ1,700 while on a train, has honourably handed over the sum to the police.
Hadjer Al-Ali was collecting bottles and empty cans on a carriage when he made the discovery.
Despite his personal situation, the 33-year-old didnâ??t think twice about handing the money over.
He received a ÂŁ42 gift card as gratitude from the police for returning the cash.
â??I was collecting bottles and empty cans on the train because I am homeless, which is when I found â?¬1,970 [approx ÂŁ1,660] on the train,â?ť Hadjer told Whatâ??s The Jam.
â??Even though I am homeless, I believe in doing good, so I gave the money to the police.
â??Being homeless doesn’t mean I am a bad person.
â??I had to give it back because it’s not my money and you never know if the person needs it for a sick child or grandmother or something else important.
â??That’s why I returned it.
â??The police gave me a â?¬50 gift card for being a good human being.
â??I’m happy because I did something good for the universe. The universe will pay me back!â?ť
Hadjer, from the Netherlands, feels very happy that he was able to do something good.
After finding the money, he shared a video of the story to TikTok, where it has over 100,000 views so far.
In the clip, he talks about what happened and shows the cash on the table at the police station as he hands it over.
Viewers have taken to the comment section to share their appreciation for Hadjerâ??s actions.
One user wrote: â??Top man.â?ť
Another said: â??My respect brother. the fact that you live on state, eat on the street, says nothing, you are worth more.â?ť [sic]
â??We need these kind of people,â?ť wrote a third user. [sic]
Someone else wrote: â??Respect. Who does good, meets good.â?ť [sic]
EN,Image: 884266321, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Jam Press / Jam Press / Profimedia

On je potom sam odlučio da prekine uplate.

„Jako sam zahvalan na svemu, ali ne želim da budem pohlepan. Želim svoj novac da zaradim“, rekao je.

A onda je dobio priliku i za to. Hadjeru je na kraju vlasnik jedne kompanije za asfaltiranje ponudio posao.

„Život će mi se nakon ovoga definitivno poboljšati, sada mogu ponovo da ulažem u budućnost. Uvek verujem da iz dobrog dela proizlazi neko drugo dobro, ali ovako nešto nisam ni sanjao“, zaključio je, a prenosi